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Your Career in Sports Management  Starts Here

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Image by Tamarcus Brown

Meet Our Alumni

Fashawn is one of the world's top sports agents, with clients in the National Basketball Association, National Football League, and Major League Baseball. Fashawn says, "As a sports management major at Monument College, the opportunity to interact with sports executives and business leaders was invaluable to  start my professional career."

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What Sets Us Apart

Along with our amazing location, we offer a hands-on learning experience that is one of a kind in sports management. The BS in Sports Management provides students with clear paths for a career in sports management through internships and access to professional New York City sports teams and professional league offices.

The Sports Management program also offers community through a strong alumni network.

About: Headliner

Our Promise to You

Get the full college experience you want on a beautiful campus with quality programs, world-class faculty, and easy access to Manhattan.  

About: Headliner
Madison Square Garden
Graduation at Monument University
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